Somon Air announces the opening of direct international regular flights from Khujand to Dubai, from Khujand to Jeddah and from Khujand to Istanbul. Starting from February 4, 2024 the flights from Khujand to Dubai will be operated once a week, on Sundays. Departure time from Khujand is 20:10. Returning from Dubai at 00:10.
Starting from February 6, flights from Khujand to Jeddah will be operated once a week on Tuesdays. Departure time from Khujand is 21:15, from Jeddah – 02:30.
The first flight on the Khujand-Istanbul-Khujand route is scheduled on March, 7. The flights will be operated on Thursdays. Departure from Khujand is at 10:00, from Istanbul at 15:15 local time.
In addition, starting from January, 22 Somon Air will increase flights from Dushanbe to Almaty up to three times a week: on Mondays, Wednesdays and Saturdays. Also, from January, 24 Somon Air launches a third frequency from Dushanbe to Tashkent. Thus, flights to Tashkent will be operated on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. All flights will be operated on Boeing 737-800 and Boeing 737-900 aircraft.
Somon Air currently operates regular flights between Tajikistan and Germany, the United Arab Emirates, Turkey, China, India, Saudi Arabia, Iran, Russia, Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan. The airline’s fleet consists of Boeing 737-800 and Boeing 737-900 aircraft.